In the 1930s B. F. Skinner introduced a number of new ideas to the behaviorism theory of psychology. He famously got animals to perform all types of tasks no one thought possible, all through simple rewards.
As the ideas of behaviorism were tested on people, it became clear that because of the strong social nature of humans, praise was powerful reward, made more potent by the authority or popularity of the individual giving the praise. As anyone who got a random compliment from one of the popular kids in school can attest.
Over the years, a multitude of studies how been done on how to reshape mindset based on the type of praise given to individuals. Children repeatedly praised for efforts, not talent develop a mindset of effort. Those praised for talent and ability try less at things they believe that ‘don’t have a talent for.’ Their fundamental perception on how the world works is shaped by the nature of the praise given.
Leaders create a trickle down effect of beliefs and values, as they bestow praise and honor on those around them for expressing certain beliefs or values, those ideals intensify and the second tier of leadership is more likely to praise those below them for the same and so on.
As the Nazis rose to power they created a youth organization called the Hitler Youth. The group was created to train German boys to become good and effective soldiers. It also created an evironment where leaders help positions of authority and could praise the youth for haviing the right attidues and values, thus strengthening the Nazi ideals in the next generation.
The true mass effect of this system was because the Nazis held all the political power, they could create positions of honor and authority out of thin air, and leverage them to bolster their own ideology.
[Additional notes by Jay Nichols] A similar effect can be seen on social media. Praise is distributed by likes, and comments on any given post. Thus the echo chamber is not just a place where people have their own ideas and beliefs echoed back by people who believe the same, but those beliefs and values are strengthened through praise.
[Author Notes]
I came across another study about praise that covered the implication for businesses. The company Jetblue has a famous record for customer service. They are always rated in the top 10% of companies. One of their secrets is an internal social network where praise is given for positive interactions with customers, and rewards points given. It becomes really interesting when the connection between this praise network and it customers is studied. For every 10% increase in the praise on the digital network, there is a 2% increase in customer retention. So, an increase of 100% praise means and increase of 20% retention.
It’s a beautiful example not only of how praise shapes behavior and interactions, but also how it can be used in a positive way.