Devil music.
Rock and Roll began in 1940, and by the 1950s it swept up the younger generations across America and into Europe. But a lot of older people didn’t like the new music style (oddly enough this is a universal reaction, every older generation doesn’t like the music of the younger generation, a concept known as juvenoia.) In reaction to the music they didn’t like, they began to tell stories of moral decay caused by this new music.
They said it corrupted people souls and led to alcoholism, drug use, and promiscuity. It had little impact on most people’s choice to listen to the music.
A new tactic was developed. Young people who were in prison for various reasons and had listened to rock and roll were told about the damaging impact it had on them. It was the reason they had done terrible things. The prisoners were eager for a scapegoat for their choices and agreed; Rock and roll was the problem. Radio shows and television had interviews with these young people ever telling their stories that had become criminals all starting with rock and roll.
It had a dampening effect on music sales. It didn’t stop the movement, but some people believed.
That is the drive of great propaganda, not to get everyone, no single technique will do that, but to get some with each different stroke.
A story was told that explain a phenomenon, and people started to believe it. There was no science to back it up, just a story. A causal narrative.